5 Reasons To Love You Just The Way You Are

5 reasons to love you just the way you are

When was the last time you compared yourself to someone? Sure not long ago. We live in a society that invites us to compare ourselves with others, but not only that, it also invites us to depend on external approval to feel good about what we do or decide. However, all of this is slowly undermining our self-esteem.

Loving ourselves as we are does not imply that we renounce to improve, rather it implies that we understand and feel that we have a value now, in the present, above our potentialities. Comparison in this sense can give us information, even motivation, but it becomes negative when we practice it too often, it becomes a source of permanent dissatisfaction or fuels envy.

1.Let’s use our own resources to achieve what we want

It is ironic that we always remain with our mouths open before those people who have a strong personality, who are very original, who stand out because they do not hide or pretend to become who they are not. Curiously, we admire that quality in them, however we do not notice that our qualities are perhaps different and that only by applying them in a different way can we achieve the effect we want. You cannot be natural as another is.

Let’s look to others as a source of inspiration. They can give us ideas, we can even imitate part of the way, but with our way of walking and stopping according to our needs. You are not like the others and that is positive! Stop hiding everything that makes you different out of fear, shame and various insecurities and try to love yourself as you are. Become yourself.

2. No matter how much we compare, we will never be someone else

No matter how many comparisons we make and that invite us to suffer constantly, if we think about it, we can never become someone else. You have another life, you enjoy other experiences, and you are very different in many ways. Even if you pretend, your personality cannot be the same as that of others.

Let’s stop seeing your frustrated desires, hitting us again and again against that wall that is never going to move. It is difficult because many people around us will be comparing us with others, but we are not them!

When we are clear that no matter how much we compare, we will not achieve what we long for, let’s go back to the previous point and start taking our first steps to love ourselves as we are. We are special, unique. Why would we want to lose all of this? Has no sense…

3. Let us accept the lights and also the shadows

No one is perfect and neither are we. However, sometimes we believe that we mistakenly perceive that others are, when they are not. think of the times we have endured the tears until we have been alone, for not showing ourselves vulnerable. Thus, others may have the feeling that we are fine, when in reality we are constantly breaking down and it will be much more difficult for them to give us their help.

This is the same that can happen to all those we see. Because each person has their lights, but also their shadows. Loving yourself as you are will teach you to accept yourself, not to berate yourself for not being a perfect person, to allow yourself to make mistakes. Loving you as you are frees you.

4. Incorporate your own values

When you are little you adopt the values ​​of the people closest to you, for example your parents. However, these are not yours even if you have adopted them as such. How can you tell? When they contradict what you do in your life.

For example, you may be very late, yet you have the courage to be on time. You may also continue to live with your parents in your 30s, but you have great desire to become independent. When you feel that two opposing forces pull you, there are values ​​in you that are not yours.

Being aware of this will allow you to incorporate your own values ​​and detach yourself from those that do not belong to you without feeling bad. Because we don’t all have the same ones. This way you will start doing what you want and not what others want you to do. It is not necessary to be equal to anyone, not even to your family members. You are different, do not forget.



5. Loving ourselves will give us the opportunity to love others

If you don’t love yourself as you are, can you  do the same with others? This is a great deception, just like when we think that we can love, value or be sincere with someone if we are not with ourselves.

In order to offer something to others, we first have to start with ourselves. Thus, for example, if we love ourselves as we are, we will be much more tolerant with the way of being and thinking that others will have, something very positive and that will be returned to us in our favor.

Do you want to provide any other reason to love you just the way you are? As you can see, doing so will free us from a lot of suffering, a suffering that we have not chosen and that we have fed in some way. Treating us harshly, punishing us severely for our failures, and omitting the good habit of compensating us for our successes.

Sometimes it is difficult to take a new perspective on things, especially when our entire environment is still anchored in that vision so much it hurt us, that it undermined our self-esteem so much. However, when we accept ourselves, we will realize how strong we are and that there will be very few circumstances that can break our will. Loving yourself as you are is a great step towards feeling free and full of great well-being. What are you waiting for?

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