5 Actions That Damage Health According To Eastern Philosophies

5 actions that damage health according to eastern philosophies

Virtually all the medicines in the world agree that health and disease are closely related to lifestyle. In particular, with the way of eating and expending energy. These two aspects are also fundamental in oriental medicines, which speak about actions that damage health.

Although we usually speak of the mind and the body as two separate realities, we all know that they constitute the same unit. What damages the mind ends up having effects on the body and what affects the body also ends up having a negative impact on the mind.

The lifestyle depends almost entirely on our mind. It is each of us who decides to maintain certain customs or avoid them. In turn, such a lifestyle helps or hurts our body. This is a clear example of the correlation between mind and body. According to the Orientals, the following are five actions that damage health, that is, wrong decisions that end up causing harm to our body.

1. Eating foods not adapted to our needs

Sometimes we speak of self-knowledge and it is assumed that this corresponds exclusively to our internal world. In other words, knowing each other basically means being able to identify our personality traits and predict the way we behave. We forget that self-knowledge also refers to the body.

children eating cotton clouds symbolizing actions that damage health

Although each society has average eating habits, based on the products that are most available, the truth is that food is something very personal. Each person has different nutritional needs . Sometimes we forget it, we join the custom of the majority. This ends up being one of those actions that damage health.

2. Spend more energy than it is replenished

This point is related to the previous one. The amount and frequency of feeding are closely related to our way of life. In particular, with the amount of energy we use.

The Orientals say that one of the actions that damage health is precisely that of expending more energy than it is replenished. In modern life this is seen a lot with the first meal of the day. Usually we have many more activities in the morning. Still, many neglect breakfast. This ends up affecting the body and also the mind.

3. Eating too many bitter flavors, one of the actions that damage health

Bitter is one of the five basic flavors. It is generally an acquired taste, since it is the most unpleasant for most people. Most chemical medicines taste bitter. Orientals think that anything bitter creates a certain harmful addiction.

vomiting lion symbolizing actions that damage health

In oriental medicine it is argued that bitter foods are stimulants of digestive functions, that is why they must be in the diet. However, when they are eaten in excess they create some problems, such as nervousness, anxiety and kidney problems.

4. Failure to maintain the proper temperature

For Orientals, body temperature is a very important indicator. An adequate body temperature is a sign of good health. There are foods that cool the body and others that warm it. In general, raw foods carry cold and prepared foods, heat.

When a person is excessively nervous, they tend to keep the body cold. This, in turn, leads to feeling weak, more anxious, and feeling restless. At the same time, aggressive people tend to have a high temperature in their body. Lowering that temperature through food would help them feel calmer.

5. Overindulging in food or drink

This is the opposite case of “spending more energy than is being replenished”. This is more about “having more energy than is being used”. It is also one of the actions that damage health. All excesses have inappropriate effects on the body and mind.

woman drinking soda symbolizing actions that damage health

Orientals think that when someone eats or drinks excessively, it means that they have not received the nutrients they need. That is why the feeling of hunger does not disappear and it is intended to calm by eating more and more food. The solution is to detect which nutrient is lacking in the diet.

Like Hippocrates, the father of allopathic medicine, Orientals also think that good health depends mainly on how we eat. Being aware of this will allow us to have a healthier and more balanced life.

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