4 Steps To Overcome Mental Immobility

4 steps to overcome mental immobility

We all know what physical immobility is, but what about mental immobility? It seems that it is the most complicated to perceive and solve.

Mental immobility can oscillate between total inaction and small hesitations and indecisions.

Does something like this happen to you? How can we solve it? Here we will answer all these questions.

When are you immobilized?


The first question we must ask ourselves is, do we know when we are immobilized? Do you know if you are immobilized right now?

There are several times when you may feel mental immobility approaching you. Here we will give you some references, although the list can be more extensive:

1. You cannot work on a project that interests you. Something prevents you from carrying it out. You feel an inexplicable blockage that you cannot break down.

2. You spend the day sitting and passive, doing nothing. You only think about your problems. You feel overwhelmed and heavy.

3. You avoid talking to someone. Although you are tempted to make a new friendship, something that would be very nice, there is something that you cannot explain that prevents you.

4. You treat someone you love unfairly. You can say words that you shouldn’t have said. You don’t know why you act this way.

5. Your body trembles or suffers inexplicable tics that reveal what you want to do, but that for some reason you do not carry out.

6. You are not able to do activities that you used to like. Just thinking about getting in motion exhausts you, makes you feel incapable.

mental immobility

Have you felt identified with some of the previous situations? Can you bring a situation to the elderly? If so, now is the time to see how you can fix this problem.


How to overcome it?


Next, we are going to point out some solutions to overcome mental immobility. They are very general steps that will guide you to solve this feeling of inaction or mental hesitation.


1. Identify the blockage

The first thing we must do is identify what is immobilizing us. Reflect on the situation that causes this block. For example, why can’t you carry out that work project? What is causing your inactivity? What is it for?

Perhaps it could be a  problematic family situation, a low self-esteem, a high sensitivity caused by something … All this we must meditate on in order to proceed to a solution.


2. Think what you are going to do

Now that you know what is blocking you, how are you going to act? You can do two things: nothing and let it happen or find a solution. The second is the best, since it will make you get out of that uncomfortable situation in which you find yourself, in addition to learning from it.

Think carefully about the steps you are going to take, how you are going to plan it. You have to be sure not to go back. Think that immobility is much more powerful and strong. You are going to have to make a lot of effort to get over it if you want to.


3. Trial and error test

Now is the time to test the solution to your immobility.

Get your strength from anywhere!

If you are not able to move from your place, try to trick your mind with things that can encourage it and take it out of its absorption and passivity.

The effort will be great and you may have to try several strategies until you find the one that will make you overcome the block in which you find yourself.


4. Verification

Have you managed to overcome your immobility? Check if everything is ok. If you have fully overcome it or that is what you want to believe.

Take the opportunity to think about the near future, in which the same thing may happen to you again. What will the next situation be like? Think that immobility may not manifest itself in the same way over and over again. If this time it was at work, maybe the next time it will be in your relationship situation.



As we have seen, it is very important to determine where we are feeling immobile or blocked. From there, we must choose the option that best suits us.

Do you feel blocked at work? Then do other things and do your best to overcome your block.

Do you treat the people you love unfairly? Determine what happens to you, what angers you, what blocks you.

Only you can overcome mental immobility with strength, desire and a lot of willpower.

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