3 Tips That Will Help You Love Yourself More

3 tips that will help you love yourself more

On many occasions we overlook love for ourselves, for our inner person. We tend to get used, perhaps out of fear, to consider that the best way to improve more and faster is by being demanding of ourselves. A way of perceiving and constructing our reality in which society has played and plays a fundamental role. A background that somehow invites us to hate each other and that is why today I want to give you some advice so that you learn to love yourself more.

It is also common to think that the fact that something is costing us is synonymous with that we are trying hard. However it is not always so. We understand that it is not necessary to suffer or have a bad time to achieve what our heart desires. When you think like this, you are far from loving yourself, even if only a little bit.

Most of us have a tendency, trained for years, that leads us to punish ourselves more often than we reward ourselves with. It is true that we need to sustain our day to day in healthy and rigorous habits with constancy or firmness. But also practicing love for ourselves is a task that we need to recover if we want to develop to the fullest. Today we will tell you 3 tips to start loving you.

All the obstacles that you have overcome are reasons to love you

Many of the experiences that we carry in our backpack of memories, even if they seem trivial to us, are obstacles that we overcome and make us what we are: great and extraordinary. On the other hand, we strive in situations that we think involve almost no expense, when they suppose the opposite: adaptation and constant focus on our surroundings.

Practice love with yourself and feel amazing for all that you have accomplished so far. In this way, you will nurture your self-confidence. The situations that we see as difficulties or great problems are actually those experiences that will allow an inner growth in you. Avoid complaining, accept them and love those moments because they are the right steps towards your dreams.

self love woman with pink bird on her shoulder

To start loving yourself you have to know why you don’t

As we mentioned in the previous point, we have a tendency to protect ourselves from ourselves, valuing and focusing attention on our defects. Many times we criticize ourselves excessively and we are not even aware of it, doing us great harm with the words that we say to ourselves and throw into our hearts.

To avoid those beliefs that are an obstacle to our self-love, it is necessary to identify the foci that support them. This sometimes implies opposing people we love and who love us, who seek the best for us, but who are also wrong. They can advise you, but the ultimate responsible for your decisions is you.

Practice “I’m sorry and thank you” with love for yourself.

They teach us to be kind, compassionate, and pay attention to the needs of others – that’s what a good person is supposed to do. Give yourself the gift of thanking yourself for all those moments that you have been able to overcome and from which you have learned without hurting anyone. Not yourself.

Congratulate yourself on every decision you make with courage and perseverance, trusting you at all times. Rate how lucky you are to have freedom and have made the decision not to sabotage it, looking for others as a shield and leaving the lair only when everything has gone well.

You are the only one who knows how to make yourself feel good, so don’t waste your time making yourself feel bad. For this, you have many resources and techniques like the ones I share with you in this video:

Take moments of reflection that allow you to reach a greater, deeper dimension of consciousness. Think about how you talk and relate to yourself. If you don’t do it the way you would like, ask yourself an “I’m sorry ” for it.

Carrying out these kinds of habits and actions will allow you to clear your mind, make peace with your inner self and, most importantly, love yourself as the extraordinary human being that you are.

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